Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The The Chapin Sisters: How To Keep Cool This Summer

I just discovered The Chapin Sisters for myself. I really wish I had heard of them before and can't begin to imagine why I hadn't. At any rate. Despite midsummer's sweat-inducing temperatures, listening to them today gave me goosebumps. I'm sure their harmonized voices will send a hauntingly sweet chill down your spine too. Here's my favorite songs so far...

Kill Me Now:

Toxic (yes, it's a Britney, bitch):

Boderline (Madonna cover):


Elizabeth said...

which summer are you talkin bout? i wore my shades on the way to work and put my umbrella up on the way home. brrrr!

the chapin's are amazing!

ear worms+ eye candy said...

well, i was sweating in the s-bahn on the way to charlottenburg this morning. and we had all the windows open at work all day. plus i even rewarded myself with a refreshingly cool and creamy after-work scoop of pistachio ice cream. berlin microclimates, i guess.