Thursday, February 28, 2008

SXSW Countdown: 2 Weeks Till Texas!

Monday I got the eagerly-anticipated email that I got a wristband, so my week luckily didn't start out so manic! (Oh, and apparently only 3,500 people entered the drawing, so there's an extra 500 available for all you outta-towners!) And the other day I got the invite for this year's American Rag / Filter party:

Last year was fantastic (see photos from the Ra Ra Riot set in last week's countdown post and some from the Architecture in Helsinki set below), but I'm even more excited about this year's lineup! I especially can't wait to see The Duke Spirit (saw them at South By in 2005 and I can't believe I still haven't bough their new album!), Lightspeed Champion (I was sehr triste when Test Icicles broke up, but at least I got to experience their awesomeness in Magnet before the split) and the Shout Out Louds (who Liz flew to Sweden to see and keeps raving about).

So at any rate, I HIGHLY recommend RSVPing to this party. But even with an invite, make sure you get there early!

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