Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still Looking for My "American Boy"

Just when I was finally getting rid of my "American Boy" earworm, they released the video.

But my friend Josh says the song's only "oookay" and insists that" Flashing Lights" is a better Kanye Jam.

I (personally) think it depends on who you have as your dance partner. In my humble opinion, "American Boy" is more for a group of single girls dancin around. But "Flashing Lights" is DEFinitely made for some downtempo freakin. Which brings me back to my original question: Who WILL be my American Boy?! Cause you know I can't Rome without Caesar!


The Beej said...

have you seen/heard this?

Andrea said...

aaahhhh, no, i hadn't. can't believe that's just a spec vid! and i totally want to adopt those kids. hip hop hooray!